Mandatory Safety Requirements for all ESA Programs
LifeJacketsarerequiredforallparticipantsincludingstaff,coaches, volunteers,non-members,safetyboatoperators,andstudentsatalltimes when in or on the water or on a dock.
Closed toe and closed heel shoes are required to be worn at all times when engaging in all ESA on water activities. No Crocs.
All students and on water staff are required to pass a swim check.
All injuries must be reported to staff no matter how small.
All volunteers who work with youth students must have a background check.
During special events, all non-members going on the water must sign a release waiver. Youth must have parent's consent.
All safety boat operators must be at least 18 years old, have a Florida State Safe Boating Card or equivalent, be trained in CPR/AED/first aid and be approved by the Safety Officer.