Englewood Sailing Association Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
March 2024 - last update
1) Assess the situation and environment to ensure it’s safe to proceed and quickly develop your course of action
2) Call for help or assistance - alert others - have someone call 911 (if necessary)
Non emergency number for Sarasota County Sheriff - 941-316-1201
3) Render assistance
4) Make sure others have been notified for help or assistance
5) Get injured party to shore if possible - Monitor and administer first aid (up to your ability) if necessary
7) Inform / Notify appropriate members of ESA Board - President, VP, Past President
8) Fill out an incident report and get necessary witness statements.
*incident reports located in Document Box in shed closest to water*
*Necessary Info if Calling 911*
1 - Current location of injured person - (where) on water, at boat ramp or SE corner of park.
The Sailing Center is located at Indian Mound Park Address: 210 Winson Ave. Englewood
the closest cross streets are Winson Avenue and West Fray
2 - Description of boat(s) (if requesting on water help)
3 - Where person will be brought on shore to meet Emergency Vehicles (if on the water)
4 - Age, gender, number of people involved
5 - Condition of injured and what happened (if known)
March 2024 - last update
1) Assess the situation and environment to ensure it’s safe to proceed and quickly develop your course of action
2) Call for help or assistance - alert others - have someone call 911 (if necessary)
Non emergency number for Sarasota County Sheriff - 941-316-1201
3) Render assistance
4) Make sure others have been notified for help or assistance
5) Get injured party to shore if possible - Monitor and administer first aid (up to your ability) if necessary
- AED is located next to the door, on the outside wall of the shed closest to the boat rack.
- First Aid Kit is located inside of the shed closest to the water.
7) Inform / Notify appropriate members of ESA Board - President, VP, Past President
8) Fill out an incident report and get necessary witness statements.
*incident reports located in Document Box in shed closest to water*
*Necessary Info if Calling 911*
1 - Current location of injured person - (where) on water, at boat ramp or SE corner of park.
The Sailing Center is located at Indian Mound Park Address: 210 Winson Ave. Englewood
the closest cross streets are Winson Avenue and West Fray
2 - Description of boat(s) (if requesting on water help)
3 - Where person will be brought on shore to meet Emergency Vehicles (if on the water)
4 - Age, gender, number of people involved
5 - Condition of injured and what happened (if known)